The Body after Birth

We live in an advanced modern era where childbirth has been turned into a common medical procedure. Many of my women clients (pain patients) report after childbirth they have never felt the same.  The physical body cannot be separated  from the emotional, energetic, and spiritual composition!  It is time that we recognize this for ourselves [...]

The Body after Birth2019-03-11T16:45:44-04:00

The Ultimate Scar Treatment

For the CHANGE of PAIN & APPEARANCE The Dolphin Neurostim has proven effective in treating a wide range of scars by helping to relieve pain and loosen or break up scar tissue. Scars have been shown to disrupt the proper flow of electrical energy throughout the body, thereby causing a variety of health problems, including [...]

The Ultimate Scar Treatment2019-03-11T16:45:45-04:00

Electrotherapy Exposed

Download PDF of Article The application of electrotherapy has been an accepted worldwide medical practice throughout the modern history of mankind. Hippocrates was reported to place patients into barrels of water with electrical eels to cure rheumatism and gout. At the turn of the 19th century, the great titans Westinghouse (direct current-DC) and Tesla (alternating [...]

Electrotherapy Exposed2019-03-11T16:45:45-04:00
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